ሰኞ 20 ኤፕሪል 2015

For the Ethiopian Christians Murdered in Libya

I have really been saddened to hear what happened to our fellow country men. We have not yet recovered from the pains the South African murderers inflicted upon us; nonetheless, this inhumane deed of the ISIS terrorists has left a big wound in the hearts of many of us. Sooner or later, death comes to everyone of us including these brutal murderers. When death takes your life with a an unbearable pain as to be burnt alive or slaughtered, your death is indescribable! In a situation where you are not attended to by your loved ones, given water to quench your thirst or bread to satisfy your hunger, and even more than that where you are attacked like a wild animal and when no one is able to avenge your death, there crawls sorrow in the correct sense of the word towards your loved ones! May we never hear such sad stories again! Please stop posting the ISIS photos and videos and show your sympathy to the dead and their family!

ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ

የጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' እንደ ባራክ ኦባማ 'The Audacity of Hope'?

'አልፀፀትም' የተባለው የጃዋር መሐመድ መጽሐፍ ወደ መደምደሚያው ዲሞክራሲን በኢትዮጵያ ለማምጣትና አገረመንግሥቱን ከውድቀት ለመታደግ ይጠቅማሉ የሚላቸውን ሐሳቦች ይጠቁማል። ይህን ግን ደጋግሞና በስፋት ካቀረበው...