የጉዞ፣ የንባብ፣ የቤተመጻሕፍት ፣ የሕትመትና ስርጭት ወዘተ ጽሑፎችን ያገኙበታል። I share my views and reports of my activities in this blog.
ዓርብ 12 ጁን 2015
Rediscover our cave
We have written the itinerary to the cave near Debre Birhan. Please read it and send us your feedback. I hope you and your friends will find it interesting. Thanks! You may share it.
SITE NAME: Engidwasha
TYPE: Natural and historical attraction
LOCATION: 90 kilometers north of Debre Birhan. 40 kilometer of it is all weather gravel road which is on a good condition. It is past Tarmaber and Seladingay (Tsadkane). Only 20 kilometres from Seladingay!
ABOUT THE SITE: The discovered part of this cave would be the size of a school compound. You should crawl and walk carefully to move from one part of the cave to the other. The hike to the cave takes some 30 minutes down a little steep hill. It is very quiet, tranquil, cold and interesting to be in the cave. Our local delicacies, music, dance and above all the stories the old people narrate about the cave are lively and they make your stay unforgettable. The cave served as a shelter for the whole local community when Fascist Italy invaded the area. There is an emerging story of a massacre on 400 partiots in the cave. The area was the center of the patriotic struggle in the 1930s. Traces of the ancient man, stone tools, are also discovered by an archaeologist researching the cave. Such new bits give a variety to the known sites in the northern route.
WHAT YOU NEED: You should come with good shoes that can be used for steep slopes, flashlights, walking sticks and other equipments that you may need to visit this cave.
Promoter: Mezemir Girma
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