ቅዳሜ 24 ጃንዋሪ 2015


Script writer – Mezemir Girma
Primary Learning Objective – The primary learning objective of this episode is to teach children learn and apply some safety rules around the house.
Secondary Objective: The secondary objective is to develop in children an awareness of some of the cultural features of their societies.
Synopsis: Olyad falls down from a big Shola tree while he was trying to take some fruits down. He injured his leg and he was given a massage by a local physiotherapist. His friend, Fuad, tells his classmates that Olyad was sick, and the whole class visited the sick boy. Olyad’s parents, the teacher, and the students raise some safety issues, and they stress the need for the application of the safety rules in children’s lives. The following day, Olyad recovers and walks to school.

[Olyad is asleep in bed.]
Dad: Olyad, haven’t you woken up?
Olyad: Dad I am sick.
Dad: Oh my son! Is last night’s accident still affecting you?
Olyad: Dadi, I cannot move my leg.
[Dad goes to Olyad’s room, looks at Olyad’s left leg and tries to see the swelling, which was big.]
Dad: Oli let me call Etye Zenebech, and I will be back.  My love, please take care of our son until I call her.
[Dad rides his horse to Etye Zenebech’s home to call her.]
Dad: Morning Etye.
Etye Zenebech: Morning.
Dad: Etye Zenebech, you are hard working. I see you working in this garden every time I come here.
Etye Zenebech: I was at the church in the early morning, and I have just started weeding.
What brought you here this morning? Is everything safe?
Dad: Olyad fell from the Shola tree yesterday.
Etye Zenebech: Oh my son, why did he climb that big Shola tree?
Dad: We did not see him. He used the ladder and the ladder fell. He wanted to eat the Shola fruits.
 [Dad took Etye Zenebech on horseback to his home.]
Etye Zenebech: Oli, my lion, the good boy, I never forget the water you fetched me from the stream. Where is he sleeping? [She goes to his room.]
[Mom carries Olyad and takes him to the mattress on the floor.]
Olyad: Oh my leg! Eh! Eh! Eh!
Dad: Oli, you will recover soon! Etye Zenebech will treat you well.
Etye Zenebech: Bring some hot water and butter.
Olyad: Don’t touch my leg please Mama Zenebech. It is painful! Mama Zenebech, please leave me alone, go to your home. I will go to school with my friends.
Fuad: [calling from outside] Olyad, the sun has risen, let us go to school. Hurry up please!
Dad: Fuad, he will not go to school today. He is sick. You will visit him when you come back.
Fuad: Oh my friend! Let me visit him now.
Dad: Fuad he will say he has to go with you. Please go with Shambel and Addis.
Fuad: Ok Olyad’s father. We will visit him in the afternoon.
Dad: Yes, when you go please watch out the dogs at Worke’s house.
Fuad: Ok I will not get closer to where the dog sleeps.
[Etye Zenebech washes Olyad’s leg with hot water and starts to smear it with the butter. Olyad weeps.]
 Dad: Olyad please don’t cry. You will recover soon.
Olyad: Don’t touch that part Mama Zenebech. Uuuuu!!
Mom: Oli, once you finish this, I will make you a good breakfast.
Dad: You will make him a good chechebsa.
[Etye Zenebech wraps the knee with a bandage and finishes the treatment.]
Etye Zenebech: Olyad you will walk safe just tomorrow. Let me go home. I will bring you milk after I milk the cows.
Dad: You will go after you drink coffee Etye Zenebech.
Etye Zenebech: You know I have to look after the cows till the kids come from school. Let me go just now please.
Mom: Okay Etye Zenebech. Please come in the afternoon when the kids come back and replace you look after the cows.
Mother Zenebech: Bye! Olyad!  Nagaatti olii!
Mom: Dad I am making the coffee. Please take Oli to the main room.
[Dad takes Oli to the main room.]
[Mom brings coffee and all the coffee gears.]
Dad: Olyad, drink this cup of tea. I and your mother will drink coffee.
Mom: Oli, didn’t I tell you not to climb that tree? Didn’t I say that you should ask us to bring you fruits down? What if the ladder fell on the girl?
Dad: [to Mom] My love, last time you remember that he spilt the boiling water from the stove on his sister’s leg when he was walking fast.
[Olyad cries.]
Dad: Why are you crying? It is your mistake, isn’t it? Drink the cup of tea now.
[Olyad drinks the cup of tea.]
Mom: Have you forgotten what the nurse told you when she treated your sister?
Olyad: She said, “Keep everything clean including pets and play carefully.”
Mom: She also told you, above all, to respect family orders.
Dad: Don’t sit on things tilted. Do you remember this?
Olyad: She also told me not to put into my mouth a dirty material or anything that is not food.
Dad: You just know everything it is only when it comes to applying these that you fail. How would you forget her advice?
Olyad: Dad, I wanted Shola when you were away. I wanted to give it to my sister because she asked me to give her.
Mom: Whoever says whatever they want to say, will you expose yourself to danger? She is a small kid. Why didn’t you tell her to wait till father comes?
[Dad goes out, climbs up the tree using the ladder and brings as much Shola fruits as possible. As he comes back the main room, he saw twenty five of Olyad’s classmates coming to his home with their teacher.]
Dad: [calling out to Olyad] Olyad your teacher and classmates are here to visit you.
Olyad: [looking to the door] Oh! Where are they?
Dad: Oh have you come? Please go in.
Wasiya: Ok sir! How is Oliyad?
Dad: He is good. Let us go in and you will see him.
Teacher: Good morning Oliyad’s father. Is your dog tied?
Dad: Good morning miss Etsegenet. Yes! It is in its cage. Don’t worry. Come in, please.
Teacher: Is Oliyad doing well? It is Fuad who told me this morning, and I decided to bring the students here during their break time.
Dad: Yeah! He is recovering. Please go in.
[All of them go into the house.]
Teacher: Olyad how are you doing?
Olyad: I am good.
Teacher: Can you show me your sick leg?
Olyad: Yes.
Teacher: Oh it is a minor injury. It will come to normal soon.
Dad: We hope so.
Teacher: I want students who are the members of the Red Cross to remind us something. What did the nurse teach you last time? What are the preventable problems you may face?
Shewa: Don’t play on dirty places.
Beeminet: What about fire?
Teacher: Yes it is the most destructive thing if used improperly.
Kahsay: Teacher, in addition to this, we should void slippery places that result from spilling water on surfaces.
Abdu: Children must use electric materials carefully. Don’t touch switches with wet hand if they are vulnerable.
Sakote: Bathing and swimming should only be with the guidance of with parents or grownups.
Hadas: Children should avoid using chemicals and drugs except with the help of grownups.
Teacher: Can you tell us what you mean by chemicals and drugs?
Hadas: Teacher, chemicals are things like detergents and acid. Drugs are that doctors give us when we are sick. The nurse told us last time that we should not take tablets or any medicine prescribed for other people.
Hundesa: Avoid touching and using sharp materials and keeping away from kitchens.
Zinash: Don’t touch your eyes with dirty hands. I want to add to what Hadas just said. Even if a certain medicine is prescribed to us, we should take the amount we are ordered to take.
Kelkay: Use the dust bin properly. As to drugs, they should be paced where children cannot reach.
Teacher: Cool. Children I really appreciate you for your advice.  It gives a good lesson for children who don’t know anything about safety.
Mom: Children, even if some kids knew, they may not apply what they know. Our son climbed up that huge tree and fell down. This happened not because he didn’t know that he would fall, but because he is careless.
Teacher: Olyad why did you do that?
Olyad: I wanted Shola fruits.
Teacher: Would you, for example, rush to a running cow because you wanted to drink milk?
Olyad: No.
Teacher: The same is true here. You shouldn’t have climbed up that tree.
Olyad: Sorry teacher.
Teacher: Children, you have seen what happened to him, yes? Please be careful when you play, walk or do anything.
[Dad gives them all Shola fruits and they start eating. They drink the milk Etye Zenebech brought.]
Mom: Olyad!
Olyad: Yes Mom!
Mom: Why don’t you sing them the song that I sang for you last time?
Olyad: Which song mom?
Mom: Since they are eating Shola fruits, sing them ‘Yeshola Fire.*’
Olyad: Before that I have some advice to children. They should also take care of their younger siblings.
[They start to sing.]
Olyad: Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Mom: Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Olyad: Meseretish girum
Mom: sholaye
Olyad: Keyet new minchish?
Mom and all the other people: Solaye!
Olyad: Gomzhiche metahugn
Mom and all the other people: Sholaye
Olyad: Abet mamarish!  
Mom and all the other people: Solaye!
Olyad: Abet mamarish!  
Mom and all the other people: Solaye!
Olyad: Eyew yanchi wubet
Mom and all the other people: Sholaye
Olyad: Melken akelaw
Mom and all the other people: Sholaye
Olyad: Min ale endanchi
Mom and all the other people: Sholaye
Olyad: Hulum bidelaw
Mom and all the other people: Sholaye
Olyad: Hulum bidelaw
Olyad: Hulum bidelaw
Olyad: Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Mom and all the other people: Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
Yeshola fire nesh
[Mom gives the children a big ambasha in a gebete, and they eat chatting. They leave the room saying good bye and wishing Olyad a swift recovery.]
[Fuad comes to Olyad’s house and the two go to school singing the song they sang the previous day.]
Etye- a title given to old women as a form of respect
·         ‘Yeshola Fire’ is an Amharic song by the late legendary singer Tamirat Molla.

ሐሙስ 22 ጃንዋሪ 2015

የጉዞ ማስታወሻ - ጉም አስጎምጉም

የጉዞ ማስታወሻ
ጉም አስጎምጉም
በመዘምር ግርማ
የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የጅኦግራፊና አካባቢ ጥናት ትምህርት ክፍል የሁለተኛ ዓመት ተማሪዎች ለቱሪዝም ትምህርት ማሟያ የመስክ ጉብኝታቸውን ወደ መንዝ ጓሳ የማህበረሰብ ጥብቅ ስፍራ ቅዳሜ ታህሳስ 25፣ 2007 ዓ.ም. ያደርጉ ስለነበር ባላቸው የሶስት ሰው ትርፍ ቦታ ከትምህርት ክፍሉ ውጭ የመጣን ሶስት መምህራንን አክብረው ይዘውን ስለሄዱ በማመስገን ልጀምር፡፡መኪናው የሐበሻ ቀጠሮ ልማዱን ሳይለቅ ከጠዋቱ 1፡00 ሰዓት ላይ እስኪመጣ ከማለዳው 12፡00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ጅሩ መንገድ እንጠብቀው የነበርንው ሰዓት አክባሪ ሶስቱ መምህራን  የበጋው የደብረ ብርሃን ቁር ሁለመናችንን ሲቆፍረን ነበር ያረፈድንው፡፡ ዩኒቨርሲቲው በተከራያቸው ሁለት ቅጥቅጥ በሚባሉ የህዝብ መኪናዎች ጉዞው ተጀመረ፡፡ መኪናው ሙዚቃ አልነበረውምና የጠዋቱን ብርድ የሚያስረሳ የወጣቶቹ ተማሪዎች የስልክ ላይ ሙዚቃና የመኪና ውስጥ ጭፈራ ተጀመረ፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ በራሳቸውም ያወርዱና ይዘፍኑ ጀመር፡፡
በጉዞዎች ላይ የሚታዩ የጭፈራ አይነቶች እና የአዘፋፈን ስልቶች የራሳቸው የሆነ ውበት ይታይባቸዋል፡፡ ባለፈው ሳምንት በአድህኖ የተቀናጀ የገጠር ልማት ማህበር ግብዣ ወርቅ ጉር ገብርኤል (ጎሼ ባዶ አቅራቢያ) ከአምስት ጓደኞቼ ጋር ለንግስ በምሄድበት ወቅት ምዕመናኑ በዝማሬ ሲቀዛቀዙ አውራጇ የሚያበረታቱበት ግጥም
‹‹ኧረ ሴቱ ፈዟል፣  ኧረ ወንዱ  ፈዟል፣
ዝማሬ ነው እንጂ ሌላ ምን ተይዟል››
የሚለው ግጥም በመንዙ የተማሪዎች እና የኛ ጉዞ
 ‹‹ኧረ ሴቱ ፈዟል፣  ኧረ ወንዱ  ፈዟል፣
ጭፈራ ነው እንጂ ሌላ ምን ተይዟል››
በሚል ተቀይሮ ሰማሁት፡፡

ተማሪዎቹ በጉዟችን ወቅት የዘፈኗቸውን ዘፈኖች አዝማቾች እና የተወሰኑ ግጥሞቻቸውን እስኪ ላካፍላችሁ፡፡
1.      ኧረ እማማ ዘነቡ፣  ኧረ እማማ ዘነቡ
ጓሳን የምናየው በማነው ሰበቡ?
2.     ኧረ ምታው ምታው ምታው ባንገትህ
ቢገጥም ባይገጥም አንተ ምን ቸገረህ
ምንም ባይሳካ ሲኒየር ሆነህ
ስትመረቅ እኮ ቲቸር እኮ ነህ
(በዚህ ጉዳይ ተገርሜ መምህርነትን የሚወድ ትውልድ ተፈጠረ ብዬ በማሰብ ከመኪና ስንወርድ ከተወሰኑ ተማሪዎች ጋር ባደረኩት ውይይት እንዳስተዋልኩት ከሆነ ተማሪዎቹ ዕጣ ፈንታቸውን አውቀውታል፡፡ በኛ ጊዜ የስነትምህርት ተማሪዎች እኛን አፕላይዶችን ቲቺንግን ስያታልሏት ኖን ቲቺንግ አሏት እያሉ ዕጣ ፈንታችንን የተነበዩልን ለነዚህ ተማሪዎች ከአሁኑ እንደተገለጠላቸው ተገነዘብኩ፡፡ እነርሱም አፕላይድ መሆናቸውን ልብ ይሏል፡፡)
የታደሉ ሰዎች ጂኦ ይማራሉ
ሁለተኛ ዓመት ላይ ጓሳ ይሄዳሉ
ሲመረቁ ደግሞ ቲቸር ይሆናሉ፡፡
በድህረ ምረቃው መርሃ ግብር አ.አ.ዩ. ዶክተር ታመነ ኪቲላ ፔዳጎጂ ሲያስተምሩን እንዳሉት ከሆነ በአስተማሪነት እቆያለሁ ብሎ የሚያስብ እና ሙያውን የሚወደው ሰው የተሻለ ያስተምራል፡፡  እናት ሃገር ሆይ! ሙያውን የሚወድ መምህር መጣልሽ፡፡ እንደሱ ዓይነቶቹን ያብዛልሽ እልሻለሁ፡፡
3.     ጉሮ ወሸባዬ ጉሮ ወሸባ
ጂኦ ድል አድርጎ ሲገባ
(ይህን ዘፈን የ1980ውን የምስራቅና መካከለኛው አፍሪካ ዋንጫን እንደበላን ነው የሰማሁት አሉ አንዱ መምህር)
4.     የሚገርመውና በጉዟችን በተደጋጋሚ የሰማሁት አውራጅና ተቀባይ የሚቀባበሉት ምልልስ ያለበት ግጥም
አውራጅ፡ ዴ በላንዴ
ተቀባይ፡ ዴ
አውራጅ፡ መኪናው ሲዲ የለውም እንዴ?
አውራጅ፡ ዴ በላንዴ
ተቀባይ፡ ዴ
አውራጅ፡ ጓሳ አልደረስንም እንዴ?
እዚህ አገር ዛፍ ብቻ ነው ያለ እንዴ?
5.     ያምራል አገሬ ኧረ ያምራል አገሬ ያምራል አገሬ
የትም የትም ዞሬ ባንቺ ነው ማማሬ
6.     ሰለሜ ሰለሜ
7.     የዓይኔ አበባ ነሽ የዓይኔ አበባ
ቱሪዝም አበባ
ያይኔ አበባ
8.     ሃይ ሎጋ ሃይ ሎጋዬ ሆ
ሃይ ሎጋ
ይወለድና እንከፍ እንከፉ
ጋን ይሸከማል
ይወለድና ሆዳም ሆዳሙ
ካፌ ይሰቅላል 12፡00 ሰዓት
እስክስታ የሚመታባቸውና ዳንስ የሚቀልጥባቸው ዘፈኖችም ከስልኮች ጉሮሮ ይንቆረቆራሉ በየመሃሉ፡፡ የጉራጌኛ፣ የኦሮምኛ፣ የትግሪኛ እና የሌሎችም ቋንቋዎች ዘፈኖች ሰቀልጡ አረፈዱ፡፡

እንኳን ልከሽብኝ ልብሽን ወደኔ
እንደዋለ ያድራ ሲርገበገብ ዓይኔ
አባይ ጣናን ዞረሽ አምረሽ ተኳኩለሽ
ይ በፈረሱ ጋልበሽ
ያው አዝማሪ ስላልያዝን እና የተቀረጸ ዘፈን በመሆኑ አባይ ጣናን ዞረሽ ያለው ዘፋኝ መሃል ሜዳ ዞረሽ ብሎ ሊገጥምልን አልቻለም ፡፡ ይህን ሁሉ ጥበብ ሳይ ታዲያ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን የባህል ማዕከል የልጆቹን የጥበብ ዛር ማባበል እንዳለበት ታየኝ፡፡
በ2002 ዓ.ም  የታተመ የአዲስ አድማስ ጋዜጣን እያነበብኩ ነበር እየተጓዝኩ የነበረው፡፡ አንዱ ገጽ ስለ እድሜ ልክ ድንግልና የሚያወራ ነበር፡፡ የጽሁፉ መነሻ አንዲት ወጣት ‹‹ጓደኛዬ ወሲብ ስናደርግ ስላልደማሁ ድንግል አልመሰልኩትም›› ብላ ለጋዜጣው የጻፈችው ደብዳቤ ነበር፡፡ ስለድንግልና አይነቶች እና ስለዕድሜልክ ድንግልና ማለትም ወሲብ እየፈጸሙም ሆነ ልጅ እየወለዱ ስለማይጠፋው አይነት የሚያትተውን ገጽ አንብቤ ቀድጄ ወደ መኪናው የዕቃ ማስቀመጫ ቆጥ ወረወርኩትና ቀሪውን ንባቤን ቀጠልኩ፡፡ በነገራችን ላይ ጋዜጣ ሳነብ ያነበብኩትን ገጽ እየቀደዱ መጣል ያስደስተኛል፡፡ ይህ ወረቀት ከቆጡ ወርዶ አንደኛዋ ተማሪ ላይ ያርፍባታል፡፡ ርዕሱን አይታ፣ ወረቀቱን ደባብሳ እና አገላብጣ ጣለችው፡፡ የሴቶች ጉዳይ በሴቶች ለመነበብ አለመፈለጉ ገርሞኝና የንባብ ፍራቻችንን ታዝቤ ንባቤን ቀጠልኩ፡፡
መንዝ ሳንደርስ በሚኒልክ መስኮት ጉብኝታችን ላይ ተማሪ ታምሩ ዋቻራን ስለጉዞው ጠይቄው ‹‹አላማችን ቦታው ላይ ችግር ካለ ደካማ ጎኖቹን ለማየት እና ችግሩን ጠቁመን ስፍራውን ለጎብኝ አመቺ ለማድረግ ነው››  ብሎኛል፡፡ ተማሪ የኔካሳ ዮሴፍ ደግሞ መኪና ውስጥ በጠየኳት ወቅት‹‹ጓሳን አይተን ለመምጣት ነው ሃሳባችን፤ የፒስታውን መንገድ ሁኔታ የምታየው ነው ለቱሪስት አይመችም፤ ለጉብኝት ጥሩ መኪና መኖር አለበት፤ ምግብና በቂ አገልግሎት የለም ተብሏል፤ መሻሻል አለበት›› በማለት የታያትን ሃሳብ ሰንዝራለች፡፡ ቃልኪዳን ተስፋዬ ደግሞ ‹‹ሃገራችን የተለያዩ የተፈጥሮ ገጽታዎች አሏት - የተፈጥሮ ደን፣ አራዊቶች፡፡ ልማት ግን መስፋፋት አለበት -ለቱሪስት እንዲመች፡፡ ፒስታው ደረጃው ቢስተካከል ጥሩ ነው፡፡›› ብላኛለች፡፡
ትምህርት ቤት ከመዘዞ ከተማ ውጭ ጓሳ እስክንደርስ አለማየታችን ያሳሰባቸው ነበሩ፡፡ ‹‹ሊወድቅ የደረሰ ቤት ጋ ትምህርት ቤት ይላል፡፡ትምህርት አለ ወይ? መምህር አለ ወይ? ያስብላችኋል፡፡›› አለ አንደኛው ተጓዥ፡፡  ምንአልባት ትምህርት ቤቶቹ ከመንገዱ ርቀው ተሰርተው ሊሆን ይችላል፤ አላውቅም፡፡ በመንገዳችን አንድ ደብረ ብርሃን የሚገኘውን  የሃይለማርያም ማሞ ትምህርት ቤትን ዩኒፎርም የለበሰ ተማሪ ብቻ ማየታችንን ሳስበው እኔንም ተማሪዎቹ የት አሉ? አስባለኝ፡፡ ስንመለስ የመንገዱ ሌላኛውን አቅጣጫ ስለምናይ አንድ ሌላ ትምህርት ቤት በግድ አገኘን፡፡
ከባሽ ከተማ በኋላ ባለው ጉዟችን የእርከን ስራና በእርከኑ ጥግ የመኖ እጽዋት በማየቴ ተደስቻለሁ፤ እንደ ጎሼ ባዶ ምን አልባት እስካሁን ካልተደረገ በዘመናዊ የማር ምርት ቢታጀብ እላለሁ፤ የንብ መኖ የሚሆኑ ዛፎችንም መትከል ስለሚቻል፡፡ ችግሩ ግን ይህ ሃሳቤ እዚያ ያሉት ሃላፊዎች ዘንድ እንዴት ይደርሳል የሚለው ነው፡፡ ባሽ ላይ ሆኖ ሸዋሮቢት ከተማን ማየት ጣርማበር ተራራ ላይ ሆኖ ደብረሲና ከማየት በላይ ልብን ይሰውራል፡፡ ዳኛቸው ወርቁ አቧራ የረጋበት የሚመስለው የሚለው ይፋት እውነትም እንደ ጥቁር ጉም መሳይ ነገር እንደሸፈነው ለማየት ችያለሁ፡፡  መንዝ ብዙ የባህር ዛፍ እና መጠነኛ የጽድ ደን ያለበት አካባቢ ነው፡፡ ምን ጊዜ ተከሉት ይህን ሁሉ ያስብላችኋል፡፡ ከደቡብ የመጡት ተማሪዎች ሳይሆኑ አይቀሩም ከመጡበት ስፍራ ጋር በማወዳደር ‹‹መንዝ ላይ ልምላሜ ወፍ የለም›› ሲሉ ግን ገና እንደሚቀረን አሰብኩ፡፡
የአንኮበር ቤተመንግስት ሎጅን የሚመስለው የጓሳ ማህበረሰብ አቀፍ ፓርክ የእንግዶች ማረፊያ እልፍኝ እና ጎጆዎቹ ከሩቅ በአስታ ጫካ ተከበው ከተራራውና ሸንተረሩ ጋር ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ሲታዩ አዕምሮን ያረጋጋሉ፣ መንፈስን ያድሳሉ፣ ሁለመናንም ይጣራሉ፡፡ በጎዴ ከተማ መልክ በአባይ ተፋሰስ አጥኝዎቹ አሜሪካውያን ፊታውራሪነት  በዘመናዊ መልክ ለመንዝ ህዝብ የአስተዳደር ማዕከል ትሆን ዘንድ በ1959 የተቋቋመችው እና የዚያን ጊዜ የተጀመሩት የአስተዳደር ህንጻዎቿ አሁንም እንዳላለቁላት የሰማሁላት እና ያነበብኩላት ከተማ መሃልሜዳ ለመድረስ 22 ኪሎሜትር ሲቀረን ፓርኩ ላይ ወረድን፡፡ ‹‹መሃልሜዳ መንዝ መሃል ሜዳ›› አለች ዘፋኝ፡፡ ያኔ ከአሜሪካውያኑ ጋር አብሮ በሃላፊነት ይሰራ የነበረው ተጉለቴው ዶክተር ሃይለጊዮርጊስ ወርቅነህ ያነሳቸው የልማት ዕቅዶች የበጉን እርባታና የእርሻውን ምርት ማዘመኑ አሁን መነሳሻውና መታወሻው ሰዓት አይመስላችሁም?
እንደ ፓርኩ ኃላፊ እንደ አቶ አበበ ገለጻ ከሆነ ፓርኩ ከ17ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ጀምሮ በማህበረሰቡ የሚጠበቅ ነው፡፡ ነዋሪዎቹ ወደክልሉ ሰውና ከብት ካስገቡ ከፍተኛ ቅጣት ይጣልባቸው ነበር - ፓርኩ በባህላዊ አስተዳደር በነዋሪው ሲተዳዳር፡፡ ትኩስ የነብር ለምድ፣ የቀጨሞ ሙቀጫ (ቀጨሞ ውስጡ ክፍት ነው አሉ) እና አንድ ሺህ ዳውላ እህልን ዓይነት የማይፈጸሙ ቅጣቶች ማህበረሰቡ ራሱን ከስፍራው እንዲያገል ለማድረግ ይጣሉ ነበር፡፡ በተወሰነ ጊዜ እየዘጋን እየከፈትን ብንጠቀምበት ይሻላል ያሉት ከጎንደር መጡ የተባሉት የመንዝ መስራች ሁለት ወንድማማቾች ስፍራውን ሲከባከቡት እንደኖሩ አስጎብኛችን ነግረውናል፡፡ ከሰው ንክኪ ለተከለለው ስፍራ አመራር አቋቁመው ከ3 እስከ 5 ዓመት ድረስ ይጠብቁትና ጓሳውን ይጠቀሙበታል፡፡ ማገዶ እንጨት ቢኖርም ዋናው ለቤት መስሪያ የሚጠቀሙበትን ጓሳ ነው በጣም የሚፈልጉት፡፡ ‹‹ጓሳ ደማችን ነው ብለው ስለሚያምኑ አሁም ይጠብቁታል›› ብሎናል አቶ አበበ፡፡
የዩ.አይ.ኤ.ኤ ተራራ ክብካቤ ሽልማትን ያገኘው እና በዘመናዊ መልክ እ.ኤ.አ. በ2003 የተመሰረተው  መንዝ ጓሳ በሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ በአፍሮ አልፓይን ተራሮች ክልል ውስጥ ይገኛል፡፡ ማስጎብኘቱና ዘመናዊ አሰራሩ እ.ኤ.አ. ከ2009 ጀምሮ እንደጀመረ፣ እንዲሁም በጀርመኑ የፍራንክፈርት ዙኦሎጂካል ሶሳይቲ እና በአውሮፓ ህብረት እገዛ እንደተቋቋመ ተነግሮናል፡፡ ቀይ ቀበሮ፣ አንኮበር ሰሪን የተባለች ወፍ፣ ጭላዳ ዝንጀሮ እንዲሁም ሌሎች እንስሳት በስፍራው ይገኛሉ፡፡ዝንጀሮዎቹ ዋሻ ውስጥ ካደሩ ጅብ ስለሚበላቸው ገደል ላይ ያድራሉ፡፡ አብዛኞቹን እንስሳት ለመጎብኘት በጠዋት መነሳትና ርቀት መንገድ መሄድ ግድ ይላል፡፡ የማህበረሰብ ጥብቅ ስፍራው አላማ ማህበረሰቡን መጥቀም ነው - ጤና ጣቢያ እና ትምህርት ቤት የመሳሰሉትን የህዝብ መገልገያዎች መስራት፣ በዕደ ጥበብ በተለይ በባና ስራ ህዝቡን መጥቀም እና በአጠቃላይ ስነህይወታዊና ባህላዊ ሃብቶችን መንከባከብ ፡፡  የጓሳ ክልል 7800 ሄክታር ይሸፍናል፡፡
ፓርኩ የሚያስጎኛቸውን ሁሉ ጎብኝቶ ለመጨረስ አንድ ጎብኝ የሶስት ምሽቶችና የአራት ቀናት ጉብኝት ያስፈልገዋል፡፡ 11 አልጋ እና 6 ክፍል መኝታ ቤት በስፍራው ሲኖር ጎብኝዎች በብዛት ከመጡ በድንኳን ያድራሉ ወይንም ወደ መሃል ሜዳ ከተማ ይሄዳሉ የሚል መረጃ ተሰጥቶናል፡፡ ፓርኩን በአመት ከ300 ያነሰ ሰው የሚጎበኘው ሲሆን በብዛት የሚጎበኘው አዲስ አበባ በሚኖሩ የውጭ ዜጎች ነው፡፡ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጎብኝ በጣም አነስተኛ ነው፡፡ 
የፓርኩ ባለንብረቶች በአቅራቢያው ያሉት የዘጠኝ ቀበሌዎች ነዋሪዎች ናቸው፡፡ ፓርኩን ያቋቋመው የውጭ ድርጅት በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ስፍራውን ለቆ በመውጣቱ የአማራ ክልል የጓሳ ማህበረሰብ ጥብቅ ስፍራ ጽ/ቤትን አቋቁሟል፡፡ ለሰራተኞች የሚከፈለውን ደሞዝና የስራ ማስኬጃውንም ከጉብኝቱ እና ዶክመንታሪ ፊልም ከሚሰሩ አካላት ከሚገኘው ክፍያ ይሸፍናሉ፡፡ ሎጁ እንዳይድግ የመንገድ ችግር አለ፡፡ ጥበቃው ደካማ ስለሆነ የፓርኩ ተጠቃሚ አይደለንም የሚሉ ቀበሌዎች ነዋሪዎች ከአጣዬ እየመጡ ጓሳውን ያቃጥሉ ነበር፡፡
በስፍራው ያገኘናቸው ጀርመናውያን ቱሪስቶችን ይዞ የመጣው ‹‹ጀርመን ሃገር 28 ዓመት ኖርኩ፤ አሁን ግን አዲስ አበባ ተመልሻለሁ›› ያለን ሐበሻ ‹‹የቱሪዝም ኢንዱስትሪው እዚህ አገር ውድ ነው›› ብሏል፡፡ ‹‹ከጀርመን ተነስተህ፣ ግብጽ ደርሰህና አካባቢውን ጎብኝተህ 15 ቀን ተዝናንተህ ከነአውሮፕላን መሳፈሪያው 300 ዩሮ ትከፍላለህ፤ እዚህ ግን 3000 ዩሮም የበረራ ወጭህን ሸፍኖ ሁለት ሳምንትም አያኖርህም፡፡ የኢትዮጵያዊና የፈረንጅን ዋጋ መለያየት አስመልክቶ ጀርመኖቹ እናንተ አገር የጥቁር አፓርታይድ አለ ብለውኛል›› ብሎናል፡፡ ‹‹ልጄ ማስተርሱን እያደረገ ነው፤ ኢትዮጵያ መጥቶ የተማረው አማርኛ ‹መብራት የለም፣ ውሃ የለም፣ ችግር የለም › የሚል ነው›› አለን፡፡
በጓሳ በጥበቃ ስራ ላይ ለተሰማሩ አንድ ሰው ያቀረብኩት ጥያቄ ነበር፡፡ ይኸውም ‹‹መንዞች የጥንቱን የአባቶቻችሁን ትውልድ፣ ዘራችሁን እንዴት ነው የምትቆጥሩት›› የሚል ነበር፡፡ ‹‹ምን እኔ ብዙም አላውቀውም፤ ግን የሚየውቁት ሲቆጥሩት ከመጀመሪያው ጀምረው ጉም አስጎምጉም ብለው ነው የሚጀምሩት፡፡›› አሉኝ፡፡ የዚህንም ጉም አስጎምጉም የሚለውን ትርጉሙን ሳሰላስል ቆየሁ፡፡ ጉም አንዴ መጥቶ አስገምግሞ አደባይቶ ያልፋል፤ ዝናቡን፣ በረዶውን፣ ካፊያውን እና ውሽንፍሩን አውርዶት፡፡ ወይንም ዳኛቸው ወርቁ እንደሚለው ጀጅሮ፣ ወይንም ተጉለቶች እንደሚሉት በነሃሴ እኝኝ ብሎ፣ አፍኖ፣ መብረቅ በመብረቅ አድርጎት፡፡ መሬቷ ከመስከረም ወዲህ አትረጋም ይላሉ ዝናቡ እስካለ ድረስ፡፡ ልክ እንደወላድ ያደርጋታል፤ ወልዳ የምትገላገለው ጸደይ ሲገባ ነው፡፡ ያ አንድ ትውልድ መሆኑ ነው ወደ ሰዎች ሕይወት ስናመጣው፡፡ መንዞችም ትውልዳቸውን ከዚህ ጉምና ውጤቱ ጋር አዛምደውታል ማለት ነው ጉም አስጎጉም ሲሉ፡፡ ከመንዝ በመጣሁ በማግስቱ አያቴን አግኝቻት ስለዚህ ጉዳይ ማለትም ስለ ጉም አስጎምጉም ስጠይቃት ‹‹በኛ በተጉለቶች ዘንድ ሰው ሲበዛ ነው እንደዚያ የሚባለው፤ በለቅሶም በሰርግም  ሰዉ ጉም አስጎምጉም ነው ከተባለ እንደ አሸን ፈላ ማለት ነው›› ስትለኝ ‹‹ይህም አለ›› ብዬ  ‹‹ሌላ መንዜ ዘር ቆጠራ አዋቂ አዛውንት እስካገኝ ልጠብቅ›› ብዬ ዝም አልኩ፡፡
ተማሪዎቻችን ጠዋት ያስረፈዳቸው ነገር ከዩኒቨርሲቲው ምግብ ቤት ምግብ ማስቋጠር ኖሮ እነሱ የቋጠሩትን ፍርፍር፣ እኛም ጓደኛችን መምህራቸው የያዙትን ስንቅ ጓሳ ግቢ ውስጥ በላን፡፡ እርስዎ ጓሳ መሄድ በሚፈልጉ ጊዜ ስለምግብ ጉዳይ የየማህበረሰብ ጥብቅ ስፍራውን ሰዎች ማነጋገር ይኖርብዎታል፡፡ እያበሰሉ እንዲመገቡ ሁኔታው ይመቻችልዎታል፡፡ የጓሳ ሎጅ ግንቡ ከአካባቢው በሚገኘው ጥቁር ድንጋይ የተገነባ ሲሆን ጣራው ደግሞ በእንጨት ተዋቅሮ ሳር የለበሰ ነው፡፡ እጽዋትን፣ ጭላዳ ዝንጀሮን፣ ፍልፈል የቆፈራቸውን ጉድጓዶች፣ የአካባቢውን የገጠር ቤት፣ የህዝቡን አሰፋፈር እንዲሁም አኗኗር ለማየት ችለናል፡፡ ከተማሪዎቻችን ጋርም የተወሰነ ርቀት የእግር ጉዞ አድርገን አካባቢውን ቃኝተናል፡፡ የጦስኙ ሽታ፣ የአስታው እና የጓሳው ትዕይንት፣ የመልከአምድሩ ወጣ ገባነት ሁሉ ቀልቡን ያልሳበው ጎብኝ ከመካከላችን አልነበረም፡፡ ከተምኞችና የከተማን ህይወት የለመዱ ስለበዙ በየስፍራው ቁጭ ማለትና ሲሄዱም ማለክለክ የጉዞው አካል ነበር፡፡ ለተማሪዎቻችን በእንግሊዝኛ ማለክለክ ‹‹ቱ ፓንት›› እንደሆነ ነግሬያቸው የአንድ ኢትዮጵያዊን ተማሪ ገጠመኝንም ነገርኳቸውና በሳቅ ፈረሱ፡፡ ተማሪው አሜሪካ የትምህርት ዕድል ደርሶት ጥቁር ፓንት ለብሶ እንዲሄድ የደረሰው የአለባበስ መመሪያ ያሳስበዋል፡፡ ግማሽ ደርዘን ቅያሪ ጥቁር ፓንት ገዝቶም ይሄዳል፡፡ እንደገባም አሜሪካውያኑ የታል ጥቁሩ ፓንት ሲሉት ቀበቶውን ፈቶ ያሳያቸዋል፡፡ ግን በአሜሪካውያን እንግሊዝኛ ፓንት ማለት ሱሪ ማለት ነበር፤ ተማሪውም ይህን አላወቀም ነበር፡፡ በኛ አገር ፓንት የምንለው ደግሞ በአሜሪካን አንደር ዌር ይባላል፡፡
በአጠቃላይ ጉዳይ ከሌለው አንድን ስፍራ ሄዶ ለማይጎበኘው ለኛ ሰው ይህን ዓይነቱ አጋጣሚ የማይገኝ ነው፡፡ እኔም መንዝን እስካሁን ሳላይ ቆይቼ ስላየሁት ደስተኝነት ተሰምቶኛል፡፡ የደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎችን ይህን ዓይነት ጉዞ ማስጎብኘቱ ቢቀጥል የሚል አስተያየቴን እሰጣለሁ፡፡ በቅርብ ያሉትን ስፍራዎች ሲጎበኙ አካባቢውን በምርምርና ማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት ለማገዝ ያመቻል፡፡ ሌላ ሩቅ ስፍራ ከሆነ ግን ወጪውም ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡

እሑድ 16 ኖቬምበር 2014

A TRIP WORTH THE EFFORT! Entoto Observatory

By Mezemir (English Dep’t)
The trip to the Entoto Observatory meant for the Debre Berhan University (DBU) community was a golden opportunity for science lovers. The Ethiopian Space Science Society’s (ESSS) DBU Branch was preparing for this trip for months. Even the Ministry of Education in Addis Ababa sent additional buses for this purpose. On Saturday, April 26, 2014, 70 teachers, and 255 students headed to the area from Debre Berhan at 7:00 a.m. and reached the observatory at 10:30 a.m.
Till the telescope operators came to the area, we had been visiting Entoto, and the capital under a reconstruction seemed to have fallen under our control. An instructor told me that a student asked him what the town lying ahead of us was called. Really! For a new comer and for one who doesn’t know the capital well, this town may be confused for another. Neway Belachew said that the place was windy, the topography pleasant, and it would be nice if they had wind power generating plant in addition. Someone asked me, “Why do your relatives like such high places?” “Which ones are they?” I asked back. “Taitu et al!” “My God! Taitu is nearer to you than she is to me!” I thought. “Why Entoto?” You may ask, too. Experts’ answers await you below. Past the Entoto church and in the middle of the dense Eucalyptus forest, this scientific oasis is properly sited.
Before the visit, the place would be taken for just an ordinary one for laymen as it had only a few buildings without a fence. The planners built two special hut-like structures, a guest house, and a server room. The roof of the hut-like structures, the dome, is a half circle whose purpose is to protect the telescope from sunlight, frost and rain. On the dome, there is a window which closes and opens for the telescope to access the outer space. The dome revolves 360 degrees; however, at this time, the testing stage, where there is no observation yet, we haven’t seen it revolving. Did we regret then? No, we shared the hope the scientists there have.
The automated telescope which is provided and set up by a German company, Astelco, occupies the second floor one of the hut-like structure. No light is permitted at the telescope room. They say even Addis Ababa city’s light disturbs a little bit at night, the convenient and only time for observation. The one-meter-diameter mirror is at the bottom part of the telescope accompanied by two side mirrors and another top mirror that reflects what comes from up the sky. Our guide told us that in Chili, Atacama Desert, and elsewhere in the civilized world there are big telescopes with mirrors long in diameter – up to 16 meters. A 32- meter-diameter telescope is said to be under construction in the developed world. Our Optical telescope cost 3.4 million Euro including installation. There are radio telescopes elsewhere in the world. The telescope is manually operated using buttons. Reflected rays will come to the down mirror, and then, they go to the side ones. After this, they go to the control room in the ground floor where the data is changed to image form and people see it. If big diameter telescopes were there, one would see much area, but precision would go down. Hey! Please don’t just expect a telescope that you see through with your naked eyes without machine processing.
Downstairs is the place for the control cabinet which contains a spectrograph with a CCD camera, two terabyte highly concentrated computer and a six-hour-serving battery. The spectrograph is used to process the data captured and supply to the computer, which changes it to images decipherable by people. When the observatory goes operational, using a pc anyone who is permitted to use can access the services from anywhere in the country. “In what interval do you record?” asked one of the 25 professors visiting in my group. “We record the data needed; if someone says I need a certain star, he can access,” responded the operator who must be the mechanical engineer.
Asked outside the visit, Bulti Kumera, a Micro Biologist, commented, “To acquaint ourselves with the environment and to have geographical information this observatory is useful.” We visited till 12 a.m. and started our back journey. The mathematician, Mengisu Calchisa, is also interested in the research and development that this observatory enhances.
Our physicists, who are busy compensating the time we lost without a good acquaintance with the space, won’t hesitate to teach people about the field of space science. They answer questions you may ask just out of curiosity: Why Observatory? Why Space Science? Gezahegn sufa, auditor of DBU ESSS and an atmospheric physicist, has a lot to say about the discipline: “Field trips should be integrated with the curriculum since students get motivated when they practice. When they go to work also they won’t get confused. For Ethiopia to grow, a scientific society should be built. At this time space science is a matter of survival, not luxury. We can relate it to securing our developmental sites. We should also work to have internationally competent experts and contribute to the development of science. We shall not be neutral in this regard. This is connected with food security, security and our day-to-day lives. In the developed world you shall not tell your location in a relative sense, but you just tell the latitude and longitude which is detected by GPS. Space Science should be included under the curriculum at least at degree level. If there is a shortage of doctors, you can be treated using tele-medicine. The ESSS should not last long as an association and the government should set up something more than this. Space science and observatory are separate organizations. Space science helps the Entoto observatory through the fund it gets from donors. ESSS should have its own television and radio programs since its main wish is to inculcate its ideas to the public; it cannot just make all the people its members. Above all, a planetary museum should be set up for the public to know about our activities.”
Gizaw Berhanu, a physics instructor and a PhD candidate at the University of South Africa, who was unable to give me an interview because of the telephone network problem, said the trip gave a good lesson particularly to the students. I believe that this network problem shall be resolved when our observatory and the ESSS achieve their missions.
Kibru Teka, a mathematics instructor said, “I feel happy to see the observatory; I will come for a visit when the observation begins; everything made me happy. When it goes operational, it will be useful for research, and we will launch rocket from here. We can also sell the data.”
Asked what he and his students benefited from the trip Asratemedhin Bekele, a physics instructor and a PhD candidate at the University of South Africa, said “it has an immense contribution to the country’s development; it tells you which season or month is conducive for agriculture, and its importance for the students is that it will be helpful to learn in practice the courses they are given at the university. For example, introduction to space physics, astrophysics, astronomy, space physics, metrology, and plasma physics are the courses in this area given in our department. Students who take those courses benefit from the observatory when they need to conduct a research. It is a nice opportunity to collect data.”
Asked what stakeholders should contribute for the observatory and the field, Asrate responded:
Our university is the sixth involving itself in the activity of the ESSS where the number of universities in the country is more than 31. As a member of the ESSS, DBU donated ESSS 200,000 Birr. Universities like ours should feel ownership and the society’s importance to our country will be high. After five years, we will launch an information satellite. Likewise, Ali Gebeyehu, an instructor of GIS and remote sensing here at DBU, wrote to me that, “The observatory is a breakthrough to develop the infrastructure of space science. One of the branches of space science, the satellite technology, which is important for communication (mobile, television, and internet…) has a tremendous importance for development. As we know, satellites are also significant for weather and climatic data collection, for the detection of resources which are found on the surface of the earth, and for the planning of urban and rural land.”
Gezahegn asks a question that he answers himself, “Is space science a luxury? No, it is a matter of survival!” Let me take this opportunity to thank all the active professors at all of our colleges for helping DBU move one kneel ahead in such endeavors as the physicist did! Finally, I think you wondered where the white, big metal birds of Mesqel Square built to illuminate the Ethiopian Millennium are left. I had a glance of them in the Entoto forest. In the Social Science magazine, I will discuss an issue related to this: Solid waste. I also saw women fuel wood carriers who undergo a debilitating task and felt sad. You know? The one I saw unloaded her bundle by a bridge and gave water to the baby she was carrying in the front.

የጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' እንደ ባራክ ኦባማ 'The Audacity of Hope'?

'አልፀፀትም' የተባለው የጃዋር መሐመድ መጽሐፍ ወደ መደምደሚያው ዲሞክራሲን በኢትዮጵያ ለማምጣትና አገረመንግሥቱን ከውድቀት ለመታደግ ይጠቅማሉ የሚላቸውን ሐሳቦች ይጠቁማል። ይህን ግን ደጋግሞና በስፋት ካቀረበው...