ዓርብ 21 ፌብሩዋሪ 2020

Freedom to Read 2020 in Ethiopia

Freedom to Read 2020 in Ethiopia
By Mezemir Girma
Founder and owner, Ras Abebe Aregay Library

Ras Abebe Aregay Library envisions creating a generation of readers in Ethiopia.  We engage with the community in Debre Birhan town, Amhara National Regional State through our library. Our involvement in making learning materials and knowledge accessible online to the wider Ethiopian community indicates that we serve much more Ethiopians. 
The lack of easy access to resources in mother tongue languages for Ethiopian students perpetuates the vicious circle of illiteracy and poverty. We would love to let you know that in Ethiopia there is a shortage of not only storybooks, but also textbooks.
Our library took part in an African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) meeting in Accra in October 2019. At that event we gave the participants explanation about the African Storybook Initiative. A representative of Uganda asked if that was like StoryWeaver.  That was our first time to learn about StoryWeaver. Afterwards we visited the website of StoryWeaver and followed them on social media. Then, on Twitter we learned about the Freedom to Read campaign. We applied to translate storybooks to Amharic. After the selection process, our library was in the list of the six organizations chosen globally to take part in the translation project.
As we are working on reading and literacy we understand how storybooks are helpful to children in our communities. When one gets the opportunity to translate quality picture storybooks into one’s mother tongue, one should not miss the opportunity. As we wish to help this generation get better opportunities than ours, we seized this opportunity and took StoryWeaver‘s online training via Skype.
Local digital storybooks in Amharic are helpful as there is a shortage of storybooks in the country. As a lecturer in English Literature at one of the public universities in Ethiopia, I (Mezemir Girma), was not aware of storybooks until 2014 when an American Peace Corps Volunteer, Benjamin Rearick introduced me to the African Storybook Initiative (ASb) and their wonderful translation system. If we, teacher educators, do not know about storybooks, who knows? By the way, I really felt happy when I found the storybooks I translated for ASb on the StoryWeaver website. Therefore, in a country where children have little access to storybooks, the role that the translation project may have in beyond words.
The translation process was a bit challenging. At first, our plan was to engage library readers and volunteers in the activity. However, they found it hard to get time to involve in the translation project. Therefore, the activity relied on the manager of the library, Mezemir Girma, alone. The translation was a bit difficult because I was not familiar with the website. It took me a while to get used to it. The online training helped me. The number of holidays that Ethiopia celebrated in the last few weeks kept me away from the university where I could get internet connection. As much as possible I used the time I had to translate.  After I went half way, I learned that I could use google translate. Earlier I didn’t rely on Google’s Amharic translation system as I heard people say it was inaccurate. Now I am using it even if their Amharic translation requires more editing work.
Once the translation is over, distribution is another challenge. As I know from experience, the community lacks access to the internet. At our library, we will display the storybooks to children using our projector and laptop. We will also download and disseminate to nearby schools. Other areas of the country could be reached with social media and regional education bureaus.
The logo of our library was designed by our IT volunteer Mr Tesfamicael Hailu and we would love to thank him as he filled that gap and helped our library appear at the back of the storybooks we translate. Thank you everyone at StoryWeaver for the opportunity you gave us!  
We wish everyone a joyful International Mother Language Day!
Friday, February 21, 2020
Debre Birhan, Ethiopia

ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ

የጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' እንደ ባራክ ኦባማ 'The Audacity of Hope'?

'አልፀፀትም' የተባለው የጃዋር መሐመድ መጽሐፍ ወደ መደምደሚያው ዲሞክራሲን በኢትዮጵያ ለማምጣትና አገረመንግሥቱን ከውድቀት ለመታደግ ይጠቅማሉ የሚላቸውን ሐሳቦች ይጠቁማል። ይህን ግን ደጋግሞና በስፋት ካቀረበው...