ሰኞ 30 ጁላይ 2018

With Sandals in the Chills!

Yes, Debre Birhan is chilly!

Walk as you may. Walk as I do or as you like. One of my colleagues and friends advises me to be self-aware when I walk. You walk self-aware or not, you may get the opportunity to observe others. While you walk, you will not come across any men wearing sandals. This is probable. However, the women here, on the contrary, wear sandals and flip-flops since, I think, they prioritize beauty over health.

The wearing style of Debre Birhan, as is elsewhere, is influenced by the weather. This weather requires one to conform. If not, they shall taste the consequence. Sometimes, if not often, we feel some form of discomfort and complain from the way we wear. By we, I mean the residents of this quiet town.

Recently, my feet have attracted criticism and scorn from a number of guys. Teachers who meet me have kept asking me how I wear sandals this time around. “If it were in the lowland areas, okay,” they remark. I tell them my plight by which they seem unconvinced.  “You know, sir, it is summer time now. It is very cold. In addition, as you see, it rains. The sun shines only rarely,” they try to persuade me in vain.

Some of my friends and colleagues attribute my decisions to stubbornness. “My friend, you have some rules that do not seem logical. You don’t treat people as we do. You don’t take meat to your home. You... You don’t...” they try their best. However, this is me. This is not them. This is my upbringing. This is my learning. This is my religion. Kkk.

You, the reader, yes you…

While you are reading, you have been confused about what point I am about to make. I’m not to make a point about say, what has crossed my mind now - why almost certainly there is no God. We will talk about such matters another time.

Hold on, please. Let me tell you a story. A story of a not-too-young English teacher: Ten months. Teach. TEACH. Think about teaching only. Forget self.

It is my summer vacation now. I feel a respite. I have a two or three-month break. My holiday is at least a time in which I think about myself.  Even if I can’t travel and visit some places of interest, I can listen to myself. What I mean by myself is I think about my physical self. I notice my feet. Oh, you belong to me? I just trim my nails. I wash my feet. For those of you who do not know Amharic, my language, ‘feet’ is ‘face’ in the Amharic language. I wash both my Amharic and English feet.

I see the space between my toes. It is rotten. Fungus? I went to the pharmacy or chemists. The chemist recommended me an ointment. I applied that a few times. My feet started to dry and become normal. Washing with the soap recommended.  Scraping or peeling the dead skin.

Again I kept them in shoes. Shoes which are tight at times. The shoes that I wear all day long. I only get relief only at night when I go to sleep.

The tip of the iceberg. This feet issue is just an indicator of the forgotten self. Do I know if I am ever thinking about myself? Can I tell? I just can’t. I am forgotten by myself.

In this summer season most often I am wearing the sandals I bought from Anbessa shoes. They are comfortable. They made my walking easier and enjoyable. My toes are healing. I feel the release of pain all over my body.

A few years ago I bought a beautiful pair of sandals from kangaroo shoes. When I went to my place of birth to visit my family, I forgot them there. They eventually send them to a guy who has a bad attitude towards me and either he kept the shoes to himself or threw them away. That is why my feet are rotting. He really avenged me.

I think about things that can transform my life and state of being. Only because of my shoes. Only because of the simple respite I am talking about.

Another few years ago. When I was at the present day Birana Academy compound, I had a spongy plastic pair of sandals which kept me bled every time I wore it. It was after a year or so of suffering and bleeding that I discovered that a sharp piece of glass stuck in it. I got a relief then. I was about to weep. Even tears won’t comfort me. When I stepped on it, it pierced my feet. Uhhh!

Let me tell you. If your life is not balanced and if you do not allot adequate time for yourself, you shall live miserable days. Those miserable days shall beget other miserable days. And so and so forth. And this will lead you to untimely death and disaster. You die mentally!

In the cold weather of my town I rather enjoy walking in sandals which give me freedom. Free at last! Free at last!

Do you remember Covey’s lesson on the blood vessels which had to be cut out and replaced? Yes. They couldn’t rejuvenate. They were not cared for on time. Our body fails us if we forget it. It shall avenge itself hugely. Then, we definitely tumble down.

Why don’t we give ourselves a time?

A time not only for the physical being – shaving hair, manscaping, bathing, massaging, having a medical check-up, wearing suitable clothes, perfumes, ointment etc.

A time also for the emotional being,

A time also for the spiritual being,

A time for the mental being as well.    

Have you got the point I am making? I hope you have. You abuse your body. Then you will be abused back. You treat it kindly. It treats you kindly back. If you walk fast, as my friend said noticing how fast I walked, as if you lost a cow and you are looking for it, you will not have time to see your surroundings, listen to yourself or decide about tomorrow. Please calm down!

ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ

የጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' እንደ ባራክ ኦባማ 'The Audacity of Hope'?

'አልፀፀትም' የተባለው የጃዋር መሐመድ መጽሐፍ ወደ መደምደሚያው ዲሞክራሲን በኢትዮጵያ ለማምጣትና አገረመንግሥቱን ከውድቀት ለመታደግ ይጠቅማሉ የሚላቸውን ሐሳቦች ይጠቁማል። ይህን ግን ደጋግሞና በስፋት ካቀረበው...