ማክሰኞ 31 ጁላይ 2018

The Benefits of My Problems

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Debre Birhan
Mezemir Girma

The best-selling author of the motivational book, “You Can Win”, Shiv Khera teaches us that problems or attitudes that seem to harm us also can have some benefits. There are causes to the consequences.
Some of the problems I have are listed below:
A.      Wandering around the whole day
B.      Not giving time to myself
C.      Forgetting my physical self
D.      Always eating out
Let me search deep in my mind the possible benefits I got from these distractive behaviors.

A.      About My Wanderer Self
As if I get my income from a certain job like one that requires wandering, I spend my days moving here and there. If it is in campus, I go to the lounge, to my colleagues’ offices, the department head’s office and so and so forth. This has a significant negative impact on my job. It could just be one or two classes that I have on a particular day. It is those classes that I consider my job. The day would be covered by my fruitless walking and so on. Outside the campus, though, I would go to hotels and restaurants that serve me for a price I afford. The benefit? Yes. I am now aware that this has to change. The fact that I am fade up with this has brought about a change in my current awareness and status. I have realized that time is a resource whose ownership we have to cherish.    

B.      Not Giving Time to Myself
Did I give time to myself? No. I should quote an experienced Oromo scholar from the university I work in. This acquaintance of mine says that he heard something from a friend in Adama. That friend would worry whether the generation of this Information Technology Era gets time to think. There are TV, FM, Internet, Smartphone, etc that steal the time the youth has. The same is true with me. Due to this and other factors, I am robbed of my time and resources. I cannot think of my life or the progress or failure I am making and. I am not listening to myself.  The benefit of this one? As I can see, this helped me look into myself at this time. Whether I am late or not is up to time, friends and my improved self to judge.

C.      Forgetting My Physical Self
The benefit of this one would be its contribution in helping me now revert to my physical being. What am I for after all? What about this body that serves me? These legs that carry me along. All should be given time and attention. What you, my reader, should know is that our life should be a balanced one. Really! The physical being alone can take us nowhere. To the achievement I wish to reach at, first acknowledging the fact that I forgot my physical self if one step. In an article written yesterday, I mentioned that how my legs rot because I didn’t wear sandals. The other parts of my body also suffered as a result of the attention I failed to give them. Medical checkup? Yearly? No! It was in 2012 that I last had. How funny is our life? Rather miserable!

D.      Eating Out
If there is any grave error I made in my carrier, it is the attention I didn’t give to cooking at home. Cooking has no harm. It is rewarding. When you cook, you have time to look into your life. You have time to clean your house, wash your clothes, bathe and after all do other quadrant two activities. You spend time at home and you give yourself a respect. On the contrary, I forgot myself and ate out. This takes more than fifty percent of my income. The quality of life I lead goes down as a result of this. The benefit of this is still the lesson I took from my own laziness and stupidity. The amount of money I am paid covers the food-related expenses I incur. I think that caused my problem in this regard. If I had a meal planner, that would teach me how to get programmed. I had one. I didn’t stick to it. I tasted the consequence!

I hope I made my point. Just the negative aspects of your life also have positive ones. Every cloud had a silver lining. 

ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ

የጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' እንደ ባራክ ኦባማ 'The Audacity of Hope'?

'አልፀፀትም' የተባለው የጃዋር መሐመድ መጽሐፍ ወደ መደምደሚያው ዲሞክራሲን በኢትዮጵያ ለማምጣትና አገረመንግሥቱን ከውድቀት ለመታደግ ይጠቅማሉ የሚላቸውን ሐሳቦች ይጠቁማል። ይህን ግን ደጋግሞና በስፋት ካቀረበው...